Winter update
So, one full season has now been completed. Lovely time sailing in Greece and hopping from island to island. Not so good in Italy. Very...

Lesson learnt. Engine switched off before the swim!
Our last full day in the water. We needed to attempt to get both sails out fully but again, there was hardly any wind in the air. We set...

Another lesson learnt - keep out of the way of the gear lever if engine still on!
Time to head back to Kilada. We decided we would drop into the bay at the far end of the island, next to the one we had called in on our...

University days.
As a mature student, well in age anyway, I found myself in halls of residence with a fantastic crowd who were all keen sports...

Buying a yacht couldn't be easier.
I have three brothers who all have had their owns sail boats of varying sizes at one time or another, and a sister living in New Zealand...

Looking to find that yacht.
Now then, having thought long and hard over the prospect of getting back into sailing my mind was thinking as to what type of boat to...