Sail away with Paul Chopin.

A blog highlighting the steps taken to purchase a yacht, getting out to sail her and the adventures, not to mention the cost(!) in putting her to sea.
First yacht seen.
The first one was a Jeanneau 12.5m Voyager based in Elba. Flights booked, we flew out to Pisa, grabbed a hire car and a room for the night before setting off for Elba the following morning. Having crossed over to the Island by ferry we had time on our hands to do a bit of site-seeing. Beautiful island. Pity I couldn’t say the same about the yacht. The asking price was £40 000 and having spent a few hours going over it we were both of the opinion that it wasn’t worth anything near this price. A lot of work needed to be done to it to bring it anywhere near good condition. This said, I put an offer of £25 000 in. This was rejected with a new asking price of £35 000. I think I then increased my offer to £27 000 but this was not accepted, the sellers saying that they would not go below the second asking price. On to the next one then. (Months later this same yacht was re-advertised at an asking price of £25 000 and I believe it went for less than this). It wasn’t for us!

As you can see, from the outside it doesn't look too bad! However, once you stepped inside it was a mess. Leaks everywhere (hence the bowls) and equipment just dumped in every room. Not the best way to promote the sale.