Sail away with Paul Chopin.

A blog highlighting the steps taken to purchase a yacht, getting out to sail her and the adventures, not to mention the cost(!) in putting her to sea.
Winter update 2014
So, one full season has now been completed. Lovely time sailing in Greece and hopping from island to island. Not so good in Italy. Very expensive going from marina to marina, especially as I was still paying for my own mooring in Rome. Loved Sardinia, well worth the visit and might go back there again, but only if the yacht goes further west than Italy.
Last winter I had the boat treated with Coppercoat. This was not as successful as I expected so will need to treat it again when I return in the spring. When I was in Sardinia I got the diving gear on and had cleaned up the hull, but when the boat was taken out of the water in October the hull was still covered in barnacles, mainly around the seacock openings and the prop. Admittedly this was not treated when I installed it, but there were still areas on the hull and rudder that needs to be treated.

Work to be done over winter:
1. Redo coppercoat on prop, keel and hull (seacock area).
2. Install electric jabsco quietflush toilet.
3. Manufacture new s/s bracket for folding passerelle.
4. Install new wind speed and direction indicator and link to
5. Replace old gas pipes from gas bottle locker to cooker. (This
was due to be done last year but wasn't)
6. Replace galley tap as current one is leaking.
7. Sort out leak from aft heads holding tank.
8. Repair hole in main sail, clean main and head sail.
9. Repair crazing around the guard stanchions.
10. Repair rudder - delaminating?
11. Have plastic insert put in bimini - to view top of mast.
12. Teak replaced in cockpit area.
13. Replace calorifier.